
Friday, September 25, 2015

Cafetiere cosy

I had a few girlfriends round for coffee on Monday so the Daddy cafetiere was deployed but as we were busy chatting our coffee was busy cooling. Yuck to luke warm coffee.  I rather un-stylishly wrapped a tea towel round the pot and made a note to get on with making a cosy for the cafetiere.

I found this great tutorial on Stumbles & Stitches blog and essentially followed her ideas.

First up you need to measure you cafetiere to determine the size of the cosy.  Measure the diameter of your cafetiere - 1", then the height from bottom of spout to base of cafetiere + 1".  This will give you the larger of the two rectangles, mine was 13 1/2" x 6 1/2".  The second smaller rectangle will make up the fastener that goes between the handle. So measure the height between the handle & use a standard length of 5".  My smaller rectangle was 5" x 4".

I chose to use scraps for the outside of the cosy as I have a bazillion and I love this particular fabric (Kokka Echino London fabric) as its a great colour and a slightly heavy weight linen which is suitable for this project.

Sew the scraps together to the required size then press the seams open.  Trim to the size of the larger rectangle.  Lay this over a piece of quilt batting (or fleece) and join the two by stitching either side of the seams.

Pin before stitching batting to outside fabric
Next attach a piece of Velcro to the fabric on the outside of the cosy about 1/2" in from the edge & in the middle.

Pin the batting layer to your second fabric which will be on the inside of the cosy, right sides together. Sew together leaving a gap for the smaller rectangle to fit in. This will be the opposite end to the Velcro end.

Stitch the smaller rectangle together as you did the larger one (with out the quilting stage).  

Poke the smaller rectangle into the larger one and stitch all the way round the larger one to attach it and finish the cosy.

 You are done! One finished cafetiere cosy!

 Such an easy and fun project, I'm thinking of knocking a few up for Christmas gifts.

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